Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wedding Planning 101: Get Organized

I’m learning that one thing a Do-It –Yourself Wedding Diva has to be is highly organized.  Personally, I’m all over the place: going to the library picking up all kinds of books, scouring the internet for ideas, tearing pages out of wedding magazines (Martha Stewart Weddings – love, love, love).

I called a good friend of mine and told her how overwhelmed I’m getting with the whole wedding planning process.  In her typical no nonsense way she said to me – “you’re forgetting one thing.” I started to rattle off about my wedding check lists, DIY projects and the budget, she stopped mid sentence and yelled BREATHE!

I’m moving too fast. I’m trying to do too many things at once and my biggest issue is I’m disorganized. Sooo I got myself a big ol’ binder to store all my wedding related material and I’ve opened a bank account to keep track of all my wedding expenses. I’ve also signed up for a free wedding planning service at
