Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sharing the good news (on Facebook)

Babies and Facebook relationship status changes really bring out the best in people.   

I just announced my engagement. Well, actually all I did was change my Facebook relationship status from in a relationship to engaged. I was a little taken back by the response especially since this is kind of old news for me. I’m pretty sure I mentioned this to people before, I could be wrong. I guess changing my relationship status on Facebook solidifies things lol. 

Anyho, back to wedding talk. I love, love, love I can’t say enough about their wedding planning tools. It’s a completely free service and a must for any DIY wedding Diva. The interactive tools include: wedding checklists, budget templates and calculators, a guest list tracker, seating chart plans and much, much more! 

The best part for a scatterbrain like me is the checklist. It has a default set of 118 items, you can check-off your tasks as you complete them and you can also add your own items. Being organized is priority #1 so finding a site that has all the wedding planning tools in one place is just wonderful. 

I’ve been doing a lot of the very necessary but boring part of the wedding planning. Tomorrow, I'll switch it up and go shoe (window) shopping. I always build an outfit from the shoes up –  so why not do the same with my wedding outfit.  I’m thinking shinny and fabulous...just like me. 

Happy Hanukkah!

Carrie Bradshaw's Something Blue Satin Pump, Manolo Blahnik's  - hey a girl can dream!


  1. Thanks for checking out my blog. I actually like in Montreal. Good luck with all the wedding planning. I am sure that you are going to have a wonderful day.

  2. Thank you! I'll keep stalking your blog - I have to get my exercise regimen going. I refuse to wear a tent for a dress :)
