Monday, November 15, 2010

The 'M' word...

I dreamed of a wedding of elaborate elegance,
a church filled with family and friends.
I asked him what kind of a wedding he wished for, 
 he said one that would make me his wife. 
  ~Author Unknown

Sooooo it looks like after six years of good times, laughs (blood sweat and) tears, I'm getting married. In approximately two years I will go from being Miss XYZ to being Mrs. ABC. I have been with my dearest fiancee (feels funny calling him that) since 2004, we met in July and by December we were fighting for closet space when I moved into his apartment.
And though the ‘M’ word has come up at several points in our relationship, I can honestly say I had never, ever dreamed of having a fairy tale white wedding - not until quite recently that is. It was probably a combination of two things; a simple but marvelous wedding proposal and my addiction to wedding shows. My weekend consists of back to back episodes of  TLC's  "Say Yes to the Dress" and pouring over the internet in search of any wedding related.
I've decided to quit obsessing over other peoples weddings and take the plunge and plan my own wedding. I have to be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing. The only thing I know for sure is while I don't want to spend a fortune I also don't want to compromise on style and elegance.
So here goes nothing! Wish me luck...

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